
Thursday, 13 September 2012


Hi! My name is Mark Pietersen and I thought I'd start this blog to document my experiences of learning to drive.

I am a freelance journalist, happily married with a one-year old son (Dylan) and two cats. I am currently living in East London in the charming little suburb of Hackney Wick which is still reeling from the Olympic Games held just around the corner.

I have recently decided (after much persuasion from my wife) to start taking driving lessons. I have never driven before and I am quite dreading getting behind the wheel of a car. However, changes in my circumstances have meant that a car has now become a necessity. As anybody who lives in London will tell you, relying on public transport will get you nowhere. Literally.

So I thought I would document my experiences as a first-time driver right from the word go until the day when I (hopefully) pass my test.

I have applied for my provisional license which they have assured me is on its way (if you can trust Royal Mail), and in the meantime I guess I should have a look around some of the local driving schools and get a few quotes. So stay tuned...

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